To apply to attend Jane Adeny Memorial School for Girls with financial assistance, please follow these steps.

  1. Download the application form by clicking HERE.
  2. Print the application form.
  3. Read the instructions carefully.
  4. Fill the form completely and accurately, including getting references from your primary school headmaster and a local leader (MCA or Chief or Spiritual Leader).
  5. When your application form is complete, take a photo of it, or scan it, and send the complete form by email to

Please note:

  • The application form is given free by Jane Adeny Memorial School for Girls (JAMS) and Friends of Jane Adeny Memorial School.
  • The information provided in the application form is intended to guide the Scholarship Selection Committee in understanding applicant’s academic and financial needs for the award.
  • The application form must be filled accurately and completely.
  • If awarded the scholarship, the applicant must present original documents.
  • All incomplete or inaccurately filled forms will be rejected.
  • The completion and submission of the application form is not a guarantee for sponsorship.
  • Any false statements, omissions, or forged documents will lead to disqualification.
  • JAMS reserves the right to make the final determination of scholarship beneficiaries.